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The daily endeavours of a teenage introvert who loves fashion, analog photography & staying fit.

Doing something new!
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hello & happy Saturday!

This morning I set out in the cold, wrapped up in my navy scarf, hat and gloves. I was going to town to volunteer! Exciting right? Well, me and one of my friends were going to help out with a dance workshop. Today we learnt techniques and tip & tricks on how to quickly choreograph a dance through improvisation. In a few weeks time, we are expected to lead our own dance classes (in pairs of two) for small groups of women from shelters around town who are victims of sexual abuse. I think it will be an extremely emotional and interesting experience, one which I will never forget. I hope I'll get to know them well through these classes. 

Just before returning home I had planned on going to a Japanese grocery store to buy Miracle Noodles (only 0 kcal per serving!) but it was way too cold outside and I would have had to walk twenty minutes to get there. Oh well, hopefully I can find the noodles elsewhere.

Have a great night, I better get on with my homework..
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10:57 PM